With Jessica Vaughan, Hans Von Spakovsky, Bill Gertz and Rowan Scarborough

JESSICA VAUGHAN, Director of Policy Studies for the Center for Immigration Studies, Former Foreign Service Officer with the State Department serving in Belgium, Trinidad and Tobago:

  • Merits of the Goodlatte Bill
  • Consequences of amnesty
  • President Trump backs Goodlatte Bill

HANS VON SPAKOVSKY, Manager, Election Law Reform Initiative and Senior Legal Fellow Meese Center for Legal and Judicial Studies at the Heritage Foundation, Former Member of the Federal Election Commission:

  • Evidence to support corrupt DOJ & FBI officials
  • How opposition research was used to grant a FISA warrant
  • Should Michael Flynn retract his guilty plea?

BILL GERTZ, Senior editor at the Washington Free Beacon, Inside the Ring columnist at the Washington Times, Author of iWar: War and Peace in the Information Age (2016):

  • Senate Select Committee on threat from China
  • Confucius institutes and Beijing’s influence operations in the U.S.
  • Susan Thornton’s appointment at the State Dept.
  • Cyber threats from Russia

ROWAN SCARBOROUGH, National Security Reporter at The Washington Times, Author of “Rumsfeld’s War: The Untold Story of America’s Anti-Terrorist Commander,” Author of “Sabotage: America’s Enemies Within the CIA:

  • The FBI embraced the Steele dossier
  • Rob Porter and security clearances within the Trump administration
Secure Freedom Radio

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