Shariah Law and American State Courts: An Assessment of State Appellate Court Cases

This study evaluates published appellate legal cases that involved “conflict of law” issues between Shariah (Islamic law) and American state law.


Table 7 – Category by State

New Jersey by Category Number of Cases
Shariah Marriage Law 3
Child Custody 3


California by Category Number of Cases
Shariah Marriage Law 2
Child Custody 1
Shariah Property Law 1
Shariah Doctrine 1


Florida by Category Number of Cases
Shariah Marriage Law 3
Shariah Doctrine 1


Massachusetts by Category Number of Cases
Child Custody 3
Due Process/Equal Protection 1


Washington by Category Number of Cases
Shariah Marriage Law 2
Child Custody 1
Shariah Marriage Law/Child Custody 1
Center for Security Policy

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