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With Fred Fleitz, Andrew Bostom, Patrick Christy, and Claudia Rosett

FRED FLEITZ, Senior Fellow at the Center for Security Policy:

  • Why wasn’t Boko Haram designated a terrorist group sooner?
  • Understanding the damage Glen Greenwald has done by publishing Edward Snowden’s leaks—most of which had nothing to do with the privacy of American citizens
  • China’s blatant theft of U.S. Military secrets from American universities
Dr. ANDREW BOSTOM, author of “Iran’s Final Solution for Israel: The Legacy of Jihad and Islamic-Jew Hatred in Iran”:
  • Imprisonment of a Christian woman, along with her 20-month old son, in Sudan, charged with adultery under Shariah law; how the US can be doing more to help her and her American citizen son
  • Shariah agenda being propagated within the American Muslim community
PATRICK CHRISTY, Senior Fellow at the Foreign Policy Initiative:

  • “Climate of fear in Venezuela” and the new level of oppression being seen under Nicolas Maduro
  • How the U.S. can help ease tensions in Venezuela
  • The Venezuelan regime’s connections to Cuba, Iran, Russia, and China
CLAUDIA ROSETT, Journalist in Residence at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies:
  • North Korea’s claims to be preparing for another nuclear test, and the inability of the international community to reign in NK’s long-range missile program
  • The tactics used by the Iranian government in their quest for a nuclear weapon
Secure Freedom Radio

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