Our previous two articles on Argentina focused on the growing problems the country is now experiencing and there are voices that are convinced that Mrs. Fernandez’s regime won’t last and are talking about the formation of a coalition government and even the possibility of holding elections at an earlier date. Although some say it might be too soon to be thinking about elections, many analysts are already considering possible candidates to replace Cristina. Argentina needs a change of direction and many analysts are convinced and hope that the person capable of doing that is the current Head of the Government of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Mauricio Macri.

Main News:

  • Hezbollah in Venezuela: Will the U.S. move?
  • Interpol Executive Committee affirms report on Reyes’ laptops.
  • More than 25,000 Operation Miracle surgeries in Nicaragua.
  • Colombia and Nicaragua clash at OAS meeting. Colombia Delays Resumption of Ties with Ecuador. McCain heads to Colombia and Mexico.
  • Argentina ‘s foreign debt surpasses US$127 billion. Argentine farmers end road blockade . Cristina among the three worst rated presidents. Spanish media blasts Kirchners "obscure political methods."
  • Chavez sends gratitude to Russia’s Putin for arms purchases. The US claims two Venezuelans cooperate with Hezbollah. Venezuela taking control of mines. Fighting inflation by reducing demand. Venezuela formalizes nationalization of cement industry. Over 30 associations join the campaign "Judge Chávez." Chávez threatens to stop oil sales to Europe. Moratinos offers help to Spaniards whose lands have been expropriated in Venezuela. Venezuela : Latin America’s Richest?
  • Paraguay ‘s Senate blocks president’s early exit.
  • Ecuador assembly head quits in constitution rift.
  • Bolivia ‘s four richest provinces confirm greater autonomy. Governors snub Bolivia referendum.

View the full version of the Americas Report (PDF)


Nancy Menges
Editor in Chief – "Americas Report"

Nicole M. Ferrand
Editor – "Americas Report"


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Center for Security Policy

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