During President Trump’s remarks last month in Saudi Arabia, he memorably called on the assembled Sunni Muslim leaders to “drive out” Islamic extremists in their midst. Several of the most important countries represented have seemingly responded by punishing one of their number most deeply involved in supporting and underwriting the global jihad movement: Qatar.

Washington has long ignored Qatar’s insidious role, largely due to the sprawling and important military base America operates there. That was especially true under President Obama, who shared the Qatari government’s desire to expand the influence of the Muslim Brotherhood – a Sharia-supremacist organization seeking to supplant secular, pro-Western allies in the Middle East and, ultimately, destroy this nation from within.

President Trump has described Qatar as a “funder of terrorism at a very high level” and applauded the crackdown on it as “hard but necessary.” He’s absolutely right.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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