A do or die moment
Every day, major stories come out of the Middle East. And behind each of these stories are major developments that...
Every day, major stories come out of the Middle East. And behind each of these stories are major developments that...
The coverage of recent events in Egypt is further proof that Western elites cannot see the forest for the trees....
Barack Obama's tenure as Commander-in-Chief has not exactly been characterized by success. What comes next, however, may make his record...
On Thursday, President Obama will "reach out" yet again to what he insists on calling "the Muslim world." Think of...
Surprisingly, on net, last week was not a good one for the Free World. Despite the signal accomplishment of liquidating...
Americans have had a rude awakening. The military's liquidation of Osama bin Laden a few days ago in a million-dollar,...
The Muslim Brotherhood's mask is slipping in Egypt. Small "d" democrats there and elsewhere are alarmed by top Brotherhood officials...
It is a felony offense to know or have reason to know that seditious activity is underway and do nothing...
On April 8, Center for Security Policy President Frank Gaffney testified before the New York Senate’s Homeland Security and Military...
On 31 March, the leftist Center for American Progress (CAP) released a document called Understanding Sharia Law. In that document,...
Earlier this week, Frank Gaffney appeared on Fox Business News with Eric Bolling to discuss the civil war in Libya....
The Center for Security Policy today released a revised edition of their groundbreaking longitudinal study, Religious Bias Crimes 2000-2009: Muslim,...
It is not everyday that Congress breaks a major taboo and, in so doing, performs a real service to the...
Yesterday’s videotaped revelations by the intrepid James O’Keefe provides welcome grist for many mills. Most obviously, it offers irrefutable evidence...
The Deputy National Security Advisor’s choice of venue was a symbolic repudiation of the Department of Justice prosecutors’ successful convictions...
Frank Gaffney and Dr. Zuhdi Jasser join Eric Bolling on Fox Business News to discuss the Homeland Security hearings led...