Israel’s Staticide?
There is a Greek tragedy unfolding today in the Middle East. In response to past mistakes and as a result...
The truth about Saddam and terrorism
Saddam Hussein's Iraq had extensive ties to terrorist organizations, including Al Qaeda, according to an official report published by the...
Kosovo’s stark warning
Kosovo's US-backed declaration of independence is deeply troubling. By setting a precedent of legitimizing the secession of disaffected minorities, it...
Grimmacing to victory, grinning to defeat
For leaders in democracies, perhaps the most difficult decision is to change course. Decision-making is hard enough. Revisiting decisions...
Condi’s African holiday
US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice introduced a new venue for her superficial and destructive stewardship of US foreign policy...
Islam and the nation-state
Throughout the world, one of the most prevalent causes of war, terrorism, and political instability is the ongoing weakening of...
El-Baradei’s nuclear policy
The UN's International Atomic Energy Agency Director Muhammad ElBaradei is a man of dubious integrity. In 2005 he was vaunted...
Israel’s reeducation minister
Education Minister Yuli Tamir has been much in the news. Two weeks ago she went on a well-publicized visit to...
Coalitions, good and bad
Building and maintaining coalitions is one of the most difficult tasks of a nation at war. On the one hand,...
America’s best friends
Two major arms sales were announced over the weekend. First, the US announced that it is planning to sell Saudi...
Iran 2, Israel 0
Jafar Kiani was an anonymous Iranian prisoner until earlier in the month he became the first Iranian to be stoned...
No heroes in Act Three
Will the US and Israeli belief that a hero will suddenly appear to save the day for the Palestinians never...
Olmert’s international coalition
Today Hamas consolidates its power in Gaza and plans its next moves in Judea and Samaria. Fatah - its main...
Grounded in fantasy
Iran and its client state Syria have a strategic vision for the Middle East. They wish to take over Lebanon....
Don’t make the same mistake twice
By Clay Varney The Gaza Strip exploded in violence yesterday as armed factions of Hamas, a spear carrier for...