The first rule of strategy
The first rule of strategy is to keep your opponent busy attending to your agenda so he has no time...
The first rule of strategy is to keep your opponent busy attending to your agenda so he has no time...
In other times, Hearst Newspapers White House Correspondent Helen Thomas's demand that the Jews "get the hell out of Palestine,"...
The ferocity and speed of the current international assault on Israel has left the government in a daze. Statements from...
Latma-- the popular Hebrew-language media satire and criticism site run by the Center's Senior Middle East Fellow Caroline Glick-- has...
In hindsight, it will probably be obvious that the missteps of the Obama administration vis a vis Israel were critical...
These words are being written before the dust has had a chance to settle on Monday night's naval commando raid...
Courtesy of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, on Thursday Israel will again be the target of a jihadist-leftist propaganda...
On Thursday the South Korean government did something important. It told the truth about North Korean aggression. On March 26,...
Last week Lebanese commentator Tony Badran published an article on the Now Lebanon Web site discussing the Iranian way of...
Forty-three years after the Jewish people liberated Jerusalem, our capital has never been under greater assault. But it has also...
A few weeks shy of the tenth anniversary of Israel's May 24, 2000 unilateral withdrawal from south Lebanon, last Friday...
So much for US President Barack Obama's famed powers of persuasion. At the UN's Nuclear Non-Poliferation Treaty review conference which...
Moral blindness in the face of evil is depravity. But in the upside-down moral universe of our world today, moral...
Bipartisan support for Israel has been one of the greatest casualties of US President Barack Obama's assault on the Jewish...
If safeguarding international security is the chief aim of US President Barack Obama's foreign policy, then at some point he...
What does Jordan's King Abdullah want from Israel? This week Abdullah gave a long and much cited interview to the...