Terror attacks continue to fall into media’s blackhole

Almost 3 weeks after the terror at the King Soopers store in Boulder, Colorado, the New York Times asked the heartfelt question: “I know she’s gone, but why?’: Love and loss at a Boulder grocery store”. They chronicled the heart-wrenching stories of the 10 victims of the Islamist terror of Ahmad Al-Issa of Arvada, Colorado. The reporter, Jack Healy, didn’t even have the courage to attempt to answer the question he posed, but simply left it a rhetorical mystery. It might as well have been a natural disaster. But certainly, the obligatory messaging for gun laws as a remedy for shootings in the United States is placed in the center of the article.
To add insult to injury, the reporter’s byline notes he spent time in Iraq and Afghanistan. Surely, he must have the knowledge necessary to query the possible connection of a Muslim Syrian immigrant to Islamists? Instead, in lockstep across legacy media, the author continued to say “the motives of the shooter remain unknown.” Somehow, neither the words terrorism or Islamism, nor any of Al-Issa’s own words, ever appeared in the coverage.
None of the major reporters of legacy media networks are willing to address “the why.” They insult American citizens by not dealing with every attack in a way that honors the horrific deaths of the victims, in a way that addresses the actual root cause of the attack, or at least covers all possibilities.
Nothing depicts this current sad state of affairs, and the extent to which the media can enforce the national narrative, as the media’s decision to enact a complete and unwavering blackout on the coverage of Islamists.
For those who care to think critically, Al-Issa’s social media, before it was removed, was found to have a plethora of messaging about the Islamophobia of America and the West and amplified an “us versus them” mentality. Religious devotion was mixed with anti-Trump vitriol, far-left propaganda, and pro-Islamist messaging.
He lived at home with his parents in an upscale neighborhood in a home reportedly valued at over $800,000. His father’s social media also included support of the tyrannical Islamist leader of Turkey, Recip Erdogan, and peppered with extreme anti-Shia hate. Never mind all that. Instead, the narrative became that Al-Issa was a loner with mental issues, which were presented as the only known “issues” with him.
There were many worrisome signs that suggest the ideology which motivated him was one of American Islamist grievances transmitted through the Left’s media bandwidth. Other than a few scattered reports no one asked questions long enough to invoke any rational answers. Instead, far-left propagandists went beyond ignoring the terror attack to claim “the far right was trying to use the Boulder shooting for its own agenda.”
The Red-Green axis of the left and Islamist movements stay in lockstep to augment their blackout. Nothing exemplified this more than when Soundvision’s head, Abdul Malik Mujahid released a detailed press release to the leaders of American mosques and his fellow Islamist leadership imploring them in– full-tilt jihadist propaganda mode —not to call this terrorism and to emphasize the “gun problem” and the “mental health” issues as well as the “other” seven shootings across America. Mujahid is the former president of the virulently Islamist Islamic Circle of North America and is most notorious for leading the Parliament of World Religions while also writing a forward for an authoritative salafi-jihadist apologetic on “Jihad in the Qur’an and Sunnah.” So, Mujahid knows a thing or two about obfuscation.
On April 2, 2021 the media blackhole proved even deeper when a terrorist -who happened to be a follower of the Nation of Islam (NOI)- drove his car into a U.S. Capitol barricade, exited with a knife and killed one Capitol police officer while injuring another.
You will hardly find a single story that uses the words separatist, terrorist, anti-Semite, racist, or radicalize. Nor will you find anything about the attacker’s very relevant sympathies for the radical preaching of Louis Farrakhan and other imams of NOI in reports about the perpetrator, Noah Green. Yet, again, news reports would say only that “the motive was unknown”.
The media silence regarding Green’s adherence to the hate-filled doctrine of the NOI, which motivate millions of Farrakhan’s followers, broadened still further the scope of the terrorist violence about which one must not discuss.
Over two years ago, the Wall Street Journal did ask the question- when will we be ready to have an honest discussion about the ties between the House Democrats and the Nation of Islam?
Apparently not yet. These questions went unasked, and the media blackout on anything related to Muslims or Islam continues even after acts of terrorism. The NOI is by definition a separatist movement, yet the House Democrats played a key role in ensuring that U.S. Law enforcement dare not study the threat from the NOI or other “black identity extremists.”
Both these stories quickly vanished in a matter of hours from the headlines, buried systematically by the Left’s information services to further avoid questions about terrorism and jihad while placating their allies in the Red-Green axis. The blackhole continues to spread, with Orwellian lexicon changes across all fronts. Rep. Ocasio-Cortez recently urged the U.S. to remove the word surge from the discussion of the border crisis, due to the apparent offensiveness of associating migrants with “insurgents.”
If that weren’t enough, the Biden administration recently forbade the use of the term assimilation when referring to refugees and immigrants. As I’ve highlighted before, the radicalization of immigrants can only be mitigated by assimilation programs. David Harsanyi also noted that the Left is making the same mistake Europe made in refusing to discuss the need to assimilate immigrants.
When it comes to terrorism, there is nothing germane that reporters care enough to ask anymore. Islamists can literally get away with terrorism in their “court” of public reporting. bigotry of the lowest expectations. The media’s blackhole on terrorism grows larger as it also becomes more disgustingly discriminating- if not outright bigoted- against Muslims who do not identify as Islamists.
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