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This Saturday, my mind went back to September 11, 2001. I well recall that day that Israel’s Bibi Netanyahu said, “Today, we are all Americans”. And I recall how important that was to hear back then. Today, I would like to say, “We are all Israelis’.

Make no mistake: this past Saturday the people of Israel were massively and unjustifiably attacked by the Islamist terror organization, Hamas, a movement owing its potency to Iran. In fact, a spokesman for Hamas thanked Iran while a spokesman for the Iran Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) said, “I promise that you will be victorious and you were faithful to your promise and to the enemy.” Grandmothers were kidnapped, women were raped and unarmed civilians were slaughtered. Over 700 Israelis were savagely killed and over 1500 have been injured with over 50 hostages known thus far.

But you wouldn’t know that from the supposed ‘umbrella’ organization of American Muslims, the United States Council of Muslim Organizations (USCMO), which only one day after the slaughter, “reaffirms its unwavering support for the Palestinian people” and railed against, “the unprovoked and continuous attacks by Israel.” When you see people like this around the world exploiting and celebrating slaughter, know that this is not about Israel. It’s about civilization itself.

It is crucial in all this we see the key players in all this, Iran and the global network of Shia and Sunni Islamists. They are the puppet masters and the Palestinians are puppets-turned-cannon fodder for their genocidal ambitions. History will look back at the six billion dollar ransom paid to Iran and authorized by the Biden administration on the anniversary of September 11th this year, a mere month ago. This was collective madness by Biden and his administration.

Yes, President Biden has overseen the further bankrolling of Iran, which, in turn, bankrolls Hamas, which has just now turned the Mid-East into a cauldron of war. President Biden is also responsible for turning hundreds of millions of dollars over to the Yasser Arafat-created Fatah-controlled Palestinian Authority.

Commentaries that include tired, worn-out phrases like “cycle of violence,” “both sides,” “calls for ceasefire,” “proportionality,” and a “two-state solution” are now beyond offensive to anyone with a moral compass and liberty-minded world view. The people of Israel have not even had an opportunity to defend themselves after a launch of a massive terror attack and the apologists for the Hamas Islamist terror organization are already in full propaganda (pro-terror) mode.

The true radical, un-American, antisemitic colors of the radical progressives and Islamist apologists in the Democratic party are now on full display from Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Cori Bush (D-MO), Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), Alexandria Ocasio-Cortes (D-NY) and beyond, speaking as they do on behalf of intransigent Palestinian claims.
Ironically, perhaps the most irrelevant people to the hate-mongering radical Islamists of Hamas are the Palestinians.

Saturday’s unilateral initiation of war by Hamas is part of a greater, regional operation driven and fueled directly by Iran’s terror supporting IRGC and Khomeinists and cheered on by the global Islamist movement from Qatar, the Taliban, the Muslim Brotherhood, Hezbollah, and Erdogan’s Turkey to just begin.

It is undeniable that this Islamist war of aggression is about unvarnished Jew-hatred and more substantively about negating the recent moves towards the normalization of non-Islamist Arabs and Muslims in the region via the growing Abraham Accords with Israel.

I call on all people of conscience, especially my fellow Muslims, to reject the tribal savagery of Hamas. Anyone of conscience must reject a world whose stock in trade is the abuse of civility and civilization. Some may want to live in that world of perpetual hate, but sadism is not the world of the decent. A world that slaughters indiscriminately and parades a woman naked through the streets is a world we all must reject and fight.

Today, Israel is suffering. The only democracy in the Middle East is suffering, and all those who believe in civilization, in tolerance, in freedom, must make a full throated and clear stand on this, on behalf of humanity.

In short, the United States I know and love is the United States that stands against evil acts and ideologies and marshals the rest of the civilized community to do the same. It’s been too long since we’ve done that. Our ally, Israel, is paying that price today.

House in Israel Destroyed by Hamas Rocket by is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 DEED

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