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Nearly forty years ago, a furious news anchor in the Oscar-winning film, Network, at one point famously screamed on air: “I’m as mad as hell, and I’m not going to take this anymore!”

Millions of Americans have reached a similar point in the face of mounting evidence that President Obama is serially lying to us – even as he increasingly, deliberately and obstinately endangers public safety.

In particular, Obama’s determination to admit thousands of potential jihadists from Syria and elsewhere and his fixation with transferring known ones here from Guantanamo Bay, lead to an infuriating conclusion: He’s playing for the other team.

Republicans were given control of both houses of Congress last year to stop this sort of presidential misconduct. They must act now to protect us, or become themselves the certain and legitimate object of the American people’s rage and repudiation.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.

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