On July 18th, the thirteenth anniversary of the attack on the Jewish –Argentina Mutual Association (AMIA) was commemorated. The attack killed 85 people and left many others seriously injured. Like every year, including this one, there was a public gathering of tens of thousands of people. The Argentinean President, Nestor Kirchner, as well as many cabinet members and his wife, Cristina, a Presidential candidate, also attended the ceremony. The main points of the event were to demand that the Kirchner government advance the investigation further as well as immediately cease all diplomatic relations with Iran. An analysis of the mismanagement of the investigation.  


  • Iran and Nicaragua Strengthen Relations.
  • Venezuela refines purchase of Bolivian bonds. Venezuela and Argentina Deepen Industrial Integration. Argentina increases its economic dependency on Hugo Chavez. Venezuela and Cuba will begin jointly exploring for oil in Cuban waters. Venezuelan Government could make RCTV unavailable by cable. Venezuelan court: RCTV to continue on cable for now. "Chávez wants to be Castro’s successor."
  • Bolivian President Morales Visits Perú.
  • "It’s essential" that Mexico joins Mercosur says Kirchner. Brazil says Mexico cannot enter MERCOSUR. Argentina and Uruguay: Pulp mills dispute moves to New York.
  • Bush and Harper in favor of FTA with Colombia. The FARC wants to prevent pro-government electoral campaign in Colombia (Minister).
  • Chilean Miners Reach Accord, End Strike.
  • Cuba makes early Pan Am Games exit to prevent mass defections.

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Center for Security Policy

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