Donald Trump is president substantially because of his commitment to restore American sovereignty.  He promised to: build a “wall” across the southern border; keep out would-be immigrants who don’t “share our values”; and stop the damage to our economy and security caused by lax enforcement of the nation’s immigration laws.

Last month, Mr. Trump announced that he would pursue with Democratic leaders so-called DACA legislation that would, effectively, confer an amnesty on children brought here illegally by foreign nationals.  It sounded like a sell-out to “the Swamp” he undertook to drain.

On Sunday, however, the White House released a detailed list of highly laudable changes the President wants made to border security, interior enforcement and immigration policy.  It remains to be seen if these improvements will materialize since Democrats have already denounced them.  If they don’t, there should be no deal on DACA.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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