The CCP’s American “captured elites” are betraying us

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Our new bestselling book, The Indictment, describes how our “captured elites” are selling out America to the Chinese Communist Party and must be prosecuted – at a minimum, in the “court of public opinion.”

Look no further than what went down Wednesday in San Francisco.

First, CCP “dictator” Xi Jinping met for hours with President Biden – a man who career CIA spy “Sam” Faddis correctly observes “works for” the Chinese Communists. Then, Xi dined with 400 of his “captured” leaders among this country’s elite businesses

A bipartisan blue-ribbon commission confirmed this week that Emperor Xi is readying his country and its military for a shooting war with us. Those helping them aren’t simply corrupt “useful idiots,” putting personal enrichment over our national security. They’re providing “aid and comfort” to our mortal enemy – the definition of treason – and must be treated accordingly

This is Frank Gaffney.

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