While President George W. Bush was touring Latin America to discuss energy, education, trade exchanges, economic investments and immigration, across the border in Argentina a sad show began as Hugo Chávez lead a massive anti-Bush protest. Analysis of the organizers of the protest and their connections to President Kirchner who allowed his territory to be used by a foreign President to carry out a rally against another head of state with which his country had cordial relations.  

 The Ambiguities of the Kichner government

Nestor Kirchner has chosen a path that connects him to the most radical elements of the political left, namely, the Piqueteros who are enthusiastic followers of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. An analysis of Kirchner’s close ties the picketers and Hugo Chávez.


  • President Bush ends visit to Latin America (Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, Uruguay and Guatemala).
  • Iran expanding presence in Latin America. Iran Air launches weekly flights to Venezuela through Syria.
  • Brazil says triple border area between Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina is under constant vigilance for terror activities, especially Hezbollah. Bush and Lula: bio-fuel partners. Chavez urges Lula to review ethanol accord.
  • Al Qaeda financier’s cousin kidnapped in tri-border region.
  • Ecuador : Election Tribunal votes to fire 57 congressmen. Police Barricade Congress, Ecuador Leader Claims Triumph. Political crisis deepens.
  • Venezuela invites Hamas to Caracas. Venezuelan opposition leaders consolidate to fight Chavez. Coca-Cola subsidiary in Venezuela shut down. Chavez warns of US assassination plot against him; accuses Negroponte. Arrests have been made. Chavez will pay U$250 million to BP and Total for seizure of oil field. Iran-Venezuela agreements total U$8 billion. Venezuelans, alarmed by socialism, head to Florida.
  • Popularity of Colombia’s Uribe up to 72% despite "paragate" scandal.



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