On August 4, 2007, a Cessna plane property of "Royalclass" company arrived at Buenos Aires’ Newberry airport (Aeroparque) in Argentina. The passengers on the plane were seven Argentine and Venezuelan oil officials. Some of them had been in Caracas negotiating the bond and gas plant deals. When having to pass through Customs, most of the passengers made it without problems, except one, Venezuelan/American, Guido Antonini Wilson who told authorities that his briefcase was full of "books". When searched, officials found it was stuffed with $790,550 in non-declared unmarked $50 bills. An analysis of Wilson’s connections with some Argentinian officials and Hugo Chavez. PDVSA’s involvement.

Articulo: "El escándalo del maletín: los lazos entre Kirchner y Chávez se estrechan."

En la madrugada del Sábado 4 de Agosto del 2007, un avión Cessna propiedad de "Royalclass" aterrizó en Aeroparque, en la ciudad de Buenos Aires. Los pasajeros abordo eran siete ciudadanos entre Argentinos y Venezolanos algunos de los cuales habían estado en Caracas negociando el acuerdo de la instalación de una planta conversora de gas anunciado por el presidente Hugo Chávez. Al pasar por aduanas, casi todos los pasajeros lo hicieron sin problemas excepto el Venezolano/Americano Guido Antonini Wilson ya que cuando su valija pasó por el escáner se descubrió que contenía US $790,550 sin declarar. Análisis de las conexiones de Wilson con algunos altos oficiales del gobierno Argentino y Hugo Chávez. La participación de PDVSA en el caso.     


  • Chile and Japan sign Free Trade Agreement. Chile: inflation rises at fastest rate in six years.
  • Petrobras to start works in bilateral refinery with no agreement with Venezuela.
  • Chávez to solve with Uribe territorial dispute. Venezuela frees Colombians prisoners.   Venezuela : Chavez says he could govern until 2027. Chavez to meet with FARC leader. Iranian President to visit Venezuela. Iran requests ALBA observer status. Venezuelan Constitutional Reform in Gear.
  • Peru and China to sign Free Trade Agreement. Peru Hopes for Normal Links with Chile. Peru grants asylum to Venezuelan union leader.
  • Protests escalate in Bolivia.
  • Mexico reasserts willingness to resume ties with Venezuela.
  • Ecuador House Asks for OAS Aid.
  • Argentina and Cuba to Boost Cooperation.

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Center for Security Policy

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