The CIA and FBI fall to deep state: 100 litigation pieces planned against Trump

The following is a transcript of an interview between Michael Waller and Satoshi Nishihata on Waller’s recent book, Big Intel.
Satoshi Nishihata: Thank you for a very precious opportunity. My first question is a very basic, fundamental question. Many people use the phrase “deep state” in a different meaning, some of which sound like conspiracy theories. What is your definition of the deep state?
Dr. J. Michael Waller: As you noted, there are many definitions. The definition I use is the permanent bureaucracy of our security and intelligence services, federal law enforcement, and to some degree, our military services, and their merger with big data such as Meta, Google and so forth that have an oligopoly of information. Because there is no distinct line between the two and there’s so much money and influence and political power involved, you have to give this a name that people understand. I applied the term “deep state” to that oligopoly.
The Root Lies in Communism
Dr. Waller: To understand what happens today, you have to go back in history to find the roots of it. This wasn’t even my intent in writing “Big Intel.” I just wanted to know what was happening since Obama. But everything has roots to it. When you go back to find the roots and you’re tracing what my colleague, Diana West, calls the “red thread,” you keep pulling at that thread. This red thread took us all the way back to a meeting in Moscow in 1922. That was less than five years after the Bolshevik Revolution. The Bolsheviks wanted to expand their communist revolution worldwide but many of them understood that by the early 1920s they were not going to be able to replicate a violent workers’ proletarian revolution the way Marx had envisioned it.
The Bolsheviks sat down with the heads of the mainly European communist parties and said, “How are we going to have our revolutions in the rest of the world?” And it was decided there that they would, among other things, wage a cultural revolution. Marx wrote about this extensively. The idea behind cultural warfare was about destroying a sense of nationhood, a sense of patriotism, a sense of loyalty to God and to family. It was to destroy all morals, all principles, all traditions and to base everything on dialectical materialism and that anything was ethical as long as it advanced communism.
The goal at that time was to target the Weimar Republic of Germany because Germany was then Russia’s biggest adversary. The idea was to polarize German society by attacking through the elites, through culture, through education, through film, through radio, through entertainment, through theater, through Freudian psychosexuality, and so forth. They set up a school at Goethe University in Frankfurt. This became known as the Frankfurt School. That school would develop what they called critical theory to criticize everything in existence – not to fix it, but to destroy it. But Hitler moved more quickly, effectively saying, “I’m going to wipe out all the communists and everybody with them,” so the Frankfurt School people left Germany. Many came to the United States.
Destroying America Through Cultural Warfare
Dr. Waller: The people from the Frankfurt School set up their operations in the United States with the help of Soviet military intelligence. They set it up at Columbia University, which then had the most influential teachers’ college in the country. If they could teach America’s future teachers, they could take over American thought processes over a series of generations.
Also, the American government did not have a foreign intelligence service in 1940, 1941, as the war was approaching. They set up the Office of Strategic Services but it was so desperate to get talent that it hired a lot of European communists who knew the territory where the Nazis had occupied. They knew the people there. That was the big mass infiltration of communist ideologues and communist agents into American intelligence and the State Department, as the Venona decrypted communications have confirmed.
If you look at some of the early people who the CIA credits as some of its early intellectual contributors, one of them is Herbert Marcuse. Herbert Marcuse was a German communist and a leader of the Frankfurt School in Germany and in the United States. When the New Left movement arose in the late 1950s and early 1960s, the radical college movement in concert with the international decolonization movement and so forth, they didn’t have any logic nor method to their approach. So what Marcuse and some of his people did was he gave the theoretical construct and the philosophical constructs to provide purpose to what they were doing to start infiltrating institutions.
It was called the “long march through the institutions,” named after Mao Zedong’s Long March. This was a very long march to take over universities, take over news organizations, take over television, movies, public education for children, even religious clergy, and then the big foundations that would fund it.
They are now linked with other people who were not from the Frankfurt School but who made a lot of money, people like George Soros. Certainly, what we see right now with the wokeness that is sweeping the whole world comes directly from the Frankfurt School. This is how the CIA, the FBI, and the rest of the “deep state” came to be taken over by the critical theory genus rooted in the Frankfurt School, with their common ancestor at that Soviet meeting in 1922.
Obama’s ‘Transformation’ of America Was Communization
Nishihata: My next question is about former President Barack Obama. According to your book, “Big Intel,” he’s not a liberal moderate but a man poisoned by a communist ideology. Could you tell us how the cultural revolution within the intelligence community is being promoted by Obama?
Dr. Waller: Obama’s executive orders include its diversity, equity and inclusion, which are euphemisms for critical race theory and other types of critical theory and cultural Marxism to impose on our whole bureaucracy. That’s how our intelligence services became so politicized.
When you look back to Obama’s childhood, Obama had a black father and a white mother. This is important when you consider much of American culture of the time.Obama was born in 1961, and racially mixed young people at that time weren’t accepted well in much of American society. They faced a lot of discrimination and alienation. Obama was brought to Indonesia and studied in an Islamic madrassa so he got no foundation of American founding principles and what it really is to be an American.
When he was a young boy in Hawaii, around age nine or so, his grandfather introduced him to a black man to be his mentor. That man’s name was Frank Marshall Davis. Davis had been an agent for Stalin. He was an unrepentant communist propagandist all his life. He took young Obama in as a sort of mentor-type relationship and indoctrinated him into becoming resentful of the United States. Davis taught him that America is a hateful, bigoted, repressive country, and that he had to go off to college when he grew up and fundamentally change America from its evil racist ways.
This communist agent was a formative influence on Barack Obama from about age nine or so throughout his teenage years until he went to college. Then, when he went to college, he hooked up with a lot of Communist Party people and people who were not party members but were still Marxists with a hostile view of their country.
Obama even says this in some of his own memoirs. He wrote three memoirs about himself. In one of the memoirs, he mentioned this wonderful old man named Frank who was a grandfatherly figure. But he did not give Frank’s full name. He was hiding the name. It was later found out through a journalist that it was this communist, Frank Marshall Davis.
Then, who does Obama turn to when he ends up going to Chicago as a lawyer? He starts working with and being trained by former Weather Underground terrorists, Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn. He would spend time studying in their home and they would introduce him to their whole network of radicals in Chicago. Then he became an obscure state senator, and from that, he ran for the United States Senate. After a short while in the Senate, he ran for President. He announced that his goal is to fundamentally transform the United States of America.
‘Biden Is Not Governing Our Country’
Nishihata: My next question is about President Biden. He was generally regarded as a moderate, but has become a radical left. How did this happen?
Dr. Waller: American politics have become more polarized. The Republicans have become more to the right, and the Democrats have become more to the left. That’s part of the normal transition of politics over time.
But Biden is not governing our country. He has Obama radicals governing our country. Biden is being run and he’s being told what to do. He’s being given pieces of paper to sign and he signs them. Now, you have the radical revolutionary types who have surrounded him, plus all the elements of an unelected, unaccountable Deep State, you can see who is governing in the president’s name. We’ve never faced a constitutional crisis like this before. Also, imagine all the money his family has taken from Communist China. Who’s telling those family members what he should do? I’m very worried that Communist China has bought an incredible amount of influence into the Biden administration through Hunter Biden and other Biden family members’ secret deals.
The future president of the United States must repeal all the executive orders declared by Obama and Biden, and supported by Kamala Harris, that mandate critical race theory and cultural Marxism.
Staging a Coup Against Trump in the Event of Reelection
Nishihata: In your interview with Tucker Carlson, you said that anti-Trumpers have a program to plan over 100 pieces of litigation if Trump is reelected. Could you talk about the Transition Integrity Project and the current plans to get rid of Trump?
Dr. Waller: The first one of the projects was in 2020 and it was called the Transition Integrity Project as you said. It was run out of Georgetown University Law Center. Now, Georgetown University is the premier law school in Washington, D.C. and its faculty consists a lot of former government lawyers, former senior government officials, former top Justice Department lawyers and so forth. Their Transition Integrity Project was to prevent Trump from being elected and, if he was reelected, to prevent him from taking power by any means necessary.
One of the heads of the program even advocated abolishing civilian control of the military because so many of the generals by that time were Obama generals and they were very left wing. They were trying to break the Constitution by having the military act without any outside civilian control on its own to basically stage a coup against Trump if he was allowed to be reelected and reinaugurated.
This year’s program that many of them are affiliated with does not have a name, but they’re now working to not allow Trump to take office. If he’s reelected, and if he manages to take office, they plan to prevent him from having a functioning government. According to The Atlantic, last February, they said that they had over 100 pieces of litigation already written to file suit in federal courts as soon as Trump takes offices to tie his hands and prevent him from governing. Of course, it’ll take months or years for this to get through the court. The whole idea is to paralyze Trump’s government so that Biden’s [or more correctly Obama’s] people can still be running the government from inside.
This is where you get more connections with a deep state, meaning a state apparatus that’s not accountable to the public.
They’re investing quite a bit of money in it. And these are not crazy fringe lawyers. They’ve got a lot of prestige. They’re law professors. They were Senate-confirmed lawyers in the U.S. government and the Biden and Obama administrations so it’s not just a crazy fringe group.
Trump Will Disrupt Deep State With ‘Small Government’
Nishihata: Why are they so afraid of Trump being reelected? Trump has always been trying to pursue small government, not a big government, and eliminate a lot of regulations.
Dr. Waller: Washington is all about power and money to people who make their living that way, meaning their whole business model is power and money. You can sell power for money. That’s what these types of people want to do.
You have sort of three types of people who come to Washington to work. You have people who come to want to work permanently in the federal government because they want to be in government service as professional public servants. Then you have people who go in because they believe in what they’re doing. They’ll come in and work for a congressman or a senator or a president who they believe in, and they might work there all their lives or they might work there for a few years and then go home. They’re idealistic and they’re well-intentioned. But then you have a corrupt class who want to be the power brokers. Because really, having power, it’s a drug, and you need more of it and you can never get enough of it. When you’re around other people of a similar psychological profile who are in it for the power and the money, they all go to the same islands and the same clubs, the same societies, the same meetings, same parties. They know each other for years and often decades. This is their power base.
Trump is coming in as an outsider saying, “I’m going to shrink the size of the central government. I’m going to return the power to the people, through the states, and to the localities.” This presents a terrible crisis for the permanent bureaucracy and much of the deep state because Trump is telling them that he plans to take away the livelihoods of millions of people whose entire business model is to live off the taxpayer. They hate him for that. And they fear him.
The professional class or anybody with power wants to expand their power through big government. That’s human nature. That is why our Founding Fathers created our constitutional checks and balances – to protect against the abusive impulses of human nature.
As we became a superpower in the mid-20th century, something which our founders in 1776 never envisioned, the central government required formidable intelligence services. As technology advanced and threats changed, we had distinct and different intelligence services. They were designed to be separate from one another so they could never threaten constitutional government.
After 9/11, President George W. Bush had a bipartisan supermajority to build up a super centralized intelligence community all under one man. The Office of the Director of National Intelligence, who’s in charge of all 18 of our intelligence agencies, plus a huge Department of Homeland Security that we never had before, and an all-powerful FBI, collectively merged with big data with powers and capabilities unprecedented in our history. Look at everything that we have now. You had all of these things merge, and there are no effective checks and balances against them. That’s why I wrote “Big Intel.”
Trump just wants to shrink the size of government and return power to the people. He wants to restore the checks and balances rather than have a single party dominate all three branches of government. This is why the deep state fears him.
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