The Clinton security vulnerability

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With Philip Haney, Mark Mills, Elaine Donnelly, Gordon Chang, and Bill Gertz.

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With Philip Haney, Mark Mills, Elaine Donnelly, Gordon Chang, and Bill Gertz.

PHILIP HANEY, retired Homeland Security officer and coauthor of “See Something, Say Nothing”:

  • Discussion on testimony of the Congressional CVE hearing
  • Sharia Law
  • Congress’s willful blindness

MARK MILLS, senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute:

  • Vulnerability of the electric grid to hacking
  • Malfeasance of US utilities companies
  • ‘Green Technology’ spending on the electric grid versus funding for cybersecurity

ELAINE DONNELLY, President of the Center for Military Readiness:

  • Talk about the Marine Corps changing of physical standards for soldiers to accommodate female soldiers
  • US Military’s acceptance of transgender individuals and approval of sex change operations

GORDON CHANG, writer for Forbes and author of “The Coming Collapse of China” and “Nuclear Showdown: North Korea Takes on the World”:

  • Chinese naval maneuvers in the South China Sea
  • China’s reaction to the impending Hague ruling
  • Xi Jinping’s domestic anti-corruption campaign

BILL GERTZ, senior editor at The Washington Free Beacon:

  • Will Loretta Lynch prosecute Hillary Clinton?
  • Bill Clinton’s interference in Hillary’s email scandal
  • Increasing cyberwarfare capability of Russia
  • China’s invitation to RIMPAC sending mixed signals to America’s Asian allies
  • Rose Gottemoeller covering up instances of Russian arms treaty violations?
Secure Freedom Radio

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