The gaslight of the union

News Flash: Joe Biden did not deliver the State of the Union last night. Instead, the man who plays the President of the United States on TV presented the Gaslight of the Union.
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News Flash: Joe Biden did not deliver the State of the Union last night. Instead, the man who plays the President of the United States on TV presented the Gaslight of the Union.
Virtually the entire speech before a joint session of Congress and a national – indeed, global – audience was a clearly poll-tested description of what the American people want – not what they have been getting from the Biden-Harris administration.
For example, the Commander-in-Chief professed his determination to secure the border. To fund the police. To lower inflation and decrease energy prices. To support the people of Ukraine in their desperate fight for freedom.
Unfortunately, a president who uses his most powerful platform of the year to lie to the American people about his record and priorities is unlikely to live up to the many, desirable commitments he made last night.
This is Frank Gaffney.
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