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With Matthew Continetti and Mark Langfan

MATTHEW CONTINETTI, Editor in Chief of the Washington Free Beacon, Contributing Editor to the Weekly Standard, Author of “The K Street Gang: The Rise and Fall of the Republican Machine” (2006), Author of “The Persecution of Sarah Palin: How the Elite Media Tried to Bring Down a Rising Star” (2009):

  • Is war with Iran imminent as mainstream media proposes?
  • Dissecting Ben Rhode’s ‘echo chamber’
  • The battle within the Trump administration over Iran policy


  • Implications of relentless attacks against John Bolton
  • Barr’s new investigation into the origins of Russia probe
  • Are the individuals in the Russia probe turning on each other?

MARK LANGFAN, Creator of a topographic raised-relief map system of Israel, Chairman of Americans for a Safe Israel (AFSI):

  • The threat Iran poses to the U.S. and Israel
  • The effort by Iran and its enablers to push Bolton out


  • How topography is key to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
  • Why Jared Kushner’s ‘Middle East Peace Plan’ would be ineffective

Secure Freedom Radio

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