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With Bill Roggio

BILL ROGGIO, managing editor of the Long War Journal:

Segment One:

  • Why the divide between Al Qaeda and the Islamic State?
  • Policy reasons behind the Obama Administration’s hesitancy to see ISIS in the role it sees itself in

Segment Two:

  • A battle of strength between the Islamic State, the Iraqi Army, and the Peshmerga
  • Where is the Islamic State most likely to spread to next?

Segment Three:

  • Saudi Arabia and Qatar’s roles in the global jihadist movement
  • Iranian support for and cooperation with both Shia and Sunni jihadist terror groups
  • Jihadist connections in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Nigeria

Segment Four:

  • Hezbollah and Hamas’ reach into the Western Hemisphere
  • Civilization jihad in the US
Secure Freedom Radio

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