The seeds of Biden’s betrayal of Israel were planted a long time ago

Originally published by PJ Media


Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen warned Israel on Thursday against cutting off Palestinian banks and spoke about the need to increase aid to Gaza, that is, Hamas, even further. Yellen’s words gained little attention, as the Biden regime’s betrayal of Israel is now old news. It is now widely known that the regime, deeply afraid that it could lose Michigan in November, has brought a seventy-year-old alliance perilously close to rupture to gain the Arab vote. Yet the betrayal of Israel didn’t begin when the polls started looking bad for Old Joe. The seeds of it were planted long before Hamas massacred 1,200 Israelis on Oct. 7, 2023.

Back during the 2020 campaign, Old Joe vowed: “My administration will look like America, Muslim Americans serving at every level.” Although his career is an appalling record of seven decades of lying, this is one promise he has kept. On May 15, I wrote here at PJM about Maher Bitar, Old Joe Biden’s new special counsel and director of intelligence and defense programs at the National Security Council. Bitar is a longtime foe of Israel and an alumnus of the viciously anti-Israel campus group Students for Justice in Palestine. Bitar, however, is not even close to being the sole foe of Israel at high levels among Biden apparatchiks.

The man to whom the Biden regime has given the responsibility of being its special representative for Palestinian affairs, a particularly important post during this war, has declared: “I was inspired by the Palestinian intifada.” Hady Amr has also said that Palestinian Arabs would “never, never forget what the Israeli people, the Israeli military, and Israeli democracy have done to Palestinian children. And there will be thousands who will seek to avenge these brutal murders of innocents.” He did not, of course, say a word about Hamas’ long-established practice of launching jihad attacks from civilian areas, so that retaliatory fire could be used for propaganda purposes.

Yet despite his obvious bias, Amr has been the regime’s point man for Israeli and Palestinian issues from the beginning. Before getting his present job, he was Deputy Assistant Secretary for Israeli and Palestinian Affairs in the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs within the State Department.

When reading about the regime’s latest accusation that Israel is violating human rights norms, it’s useful to keep in mind that the State Department’s undersecretary for civilian security, democracy, and human rights is Uzra Zeya. Zeya has “worked for the magazine Washington Report on Middle East Affairs and its publishing group, American Educational Trust. The Washington Report has questioned the loyalty American Jews have to the United States; published accusations against the ‘Jewish lobby’; claimed American Jews control the media; and accused the Mossad of perpetrating the assassination of former President John F. Kennedy and the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

Bihar, Amr, and Zeya had plenty of company, but some of the Israel-haters have now departed from the regime. Most notorious among them was Robert Malley, who served as the regime’s special envoy to Iran until June 29, 2023. He is not on the Biden team at the moment because his security clearance was revoked and he was put on leave over his alleged mishandling of classified information.

Malley’s support for Iran’s Islamic regime and pronounced distaste for Israel had raised eyebrows for years. The Washington Times revealed in February 2021 that back in July 2019, “Iran’s smooth, English-speaking foreign minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, met with Robert Malley, who was President Obama’s Middle East adviser, in an apparent bid to undermine the Trump team and lay the groundwork for post-Trump relations.”

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