The Sharia-supremacist Insurgency in Britain – and Beyond

This is Frank Gaffney with the Secure Freedom Minute.

Mayhem on the streets of London Saturday night no longer can be attributed to “terrorism.” We must henceforth treat what is happening to one of our closest allies as nothing less than an insurgency.

That’s especially true since, in the wake of this latest, murderous assault on innocent British civilians and tourists, Her Majesty’s Government has been forced to acknowledge that there may be as many as 23,000 Islamic terrorists now at large in the UK.

The gravity of the danger facing Great Britain is, unfortunately, what awaits others of us in the Free World. Insurgent jihadists are tapping into increasingly hostile communities – their ranks swollen by Sharia-supremacists’ immigration and refugee resettlement – and a Muslim Brotherhood-enabled infrastructure of mosques, front groups and terror cells now in place across much of Europe and North America.

This must end.

This is Frank Gaffney.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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