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With Ingrid Carlqvist, Dr. Lawrence Sellin, Dr. Mark Schneider and John Rossomando

INGRID CARLQVIST, Journalist and Author based in Sweden, Editor in Chief of Dispatch International:

  • Implications of the refugee influx in Sweden
  • The dangers of grooming gangs in Europe
  • Sharia blasphemy laws in Sweden

DR. LAWRENCE SELLIN, Author of Restoring the Republic: Arguments for a Second American Revolution, Retired Colonel with 29 years of service in the US Army Reserve, Veteran of Afghanistan and Iraq:

  • The changing strategic dynamics in South Asia
  • China & Pakistan’s commercial arrangement
  • Why we should be concerned about Iran-Pakistan nuclear exchange

DR. MARK SCHNEIDER, Senior Analyst with the National Institute for Public Policy, Longtime career in the Office of the Secretary of Defense:

  • Russia’s tactical nuclear weapons
  • Putin’s ‘escalate to deescalate’ policy
  • The threat of hyper-sonic missiles

JOHN ROSSOMANDO, Senior Counterterrorism Analyst at the Investigative Project on Terrorism:

  • Our ally in Syria; the Kurds
  • The Muslim Brotherhood’s alliance with Turkey
Secure Freedom Radio

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