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This is Frank Gaffney with the Secure Freedom Minute.

In recent days, the stench of U.S. defeat has been palpable in Afghanistan.  That country’s president – and America’s putative ally, Hamid Karzai, has become increasingly high-handed with our servicemen and women who are serving, and in some cases dying, to protect his government from the Taliban.

For example, Karzai has demanded that U.S. personnel stop conducting night raids that have proven effective in identifying and taking down enemy leaders.  He’s barred our special forces from operating at all in an increasingly contested province near Kabul. And Karzai went out of his way to dis the new Secretary of Defense, Chuck Hagel, during a meeting there last week.

Unfortunately, unless we change Afghan calculations, we’ll see more of this behavior – and more of our troops needlessly killed by Afghans inspired by it.

This is Frank Gaffney with the Secure Freedom Minute.  Learn more at

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