After the fall of the Berlin Wall and the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the principal foreign policy and intelligence institutions of the United States considered that communism had disappeared. Soon after, a new threat emerged: terrorism, and since then, intelligence organizations in the US lost interest in the subject. However, communism did not disappear. In Latin America, under the direction of Fidel Castro and with the support of Lula da Silva, all the leftist groups reorganized in the region with the purpose of taking power under the umbrella of the Forum of Sao Paolo.


  • Mexico: U.S. breaks up Mexican drug gang.
  • Latin stocks fall because of plunge in Chinese shares. The next day there are gains.
  • Defector says Cuba is developing biological weapons. College professor and wife spied for Cuba from Florida.
  • Venezuela takes control of foreign oil projects. Venezuela and Cuba sign agreements in excess of U$ 700 million. Chavez scaring away investments in the region. US warns that Venezuela is unleashing an arms race in Latin America.
  • Deported from Bolivia, Cuban dissident will accept asylum in Norway.
  • Bolivia : opposition blocks oil contracts. Gazprom and YPFB sign memo of understanding.
  • Brazil : Gazprom and Petrobras sign cooperation accord.
  • Argentina: former government official, picketer Luis D’Elía, goes to Iran. Interpol lists 1 Lebanese and six Iranians in bombing of AMIA.
  • Colombia to invest U$ 3.7 billion to combat drugs and FARC. It has been five years since Ingrid Betancourt, former Colombian Presidential Candidate was kidnapped by FARC. Fernando Araújo: new foreign minister. Ex-guerrilla (former M-19) leads opposition in Colombia against Uribe.
  • President Bush: backs FTA with Peru. Will visit Lima in 2008.
  • Nicaragua : Ortega seeks closer ties with Iran. Congress gives special powers given to Ortega.

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