The U.S. Must Stop Propping Up Venezuela’s Hostile Dictatorship

One of the most odious, and defining, moments of Barack Obama’s presidency came when he ignored pleas from millions of Iranians seeking help in freeing their country from a regime that represses them and hates us. Donald Trump faces a similar decision point now in Venezuela.

President Trump must not just express solidarity with those being gassed, shot and starved by Venezuelan dictator Nicolas Maduro. He must act by ending the American contribution to propping up Maduro’s dictatorship alongside the likes of Cuba, Iran, China and Russia.

To that end, until democracy is restored in Venezuela – an outcome now sought by the vast majority of its citizens and endorsed by the Organization of American States – the U.S. should say “no mas” to the buying and refining of heavy crude oil from Venezuela’s regime and the selling of gasoline back to it.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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