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I have been reporting from the Conservative Political Action Conference this week and have an important news flash from its venue at National Harbor outside Washington, D.C.

The late Andrew Breitbart’s enormously important media legacy – the Breitbart News Network – is hosting what may just be the most consequential single event of the entire CPAC meeting. On Saturday, March 16th, a program entitled “The Uninvited” will feature individuals who were not invited to address CPAC, but who will now have an opportunity to discuss the sorts of topics – with the sorts of perspectives – that all of us need to hear.

I am very pleased to be joining such Secure Freedom Radio all-stars as former Attorney General Michael Mukasey, Peter Schweizer, Nina Shea, Dan Goure, Robert Spencer, Rosemary Jenks and Pamela Geller as we speak truth to power. Be sure to join us at CPAC Saturday from 1-3 p.m. or check out the action at

Schedule of Events:

  • 1:00 Introduction: Larry Solov, CEO and President of Breitbart News Network
  • Speaker – Michael Mukasey, Attorney General under President George W. Bush, speaking on: “Civilizational Jihad and the Willful Blindness of America’s Elites”
  • Speaker – Peter Schweizer, Government Accountability Institute, speaking on: “The Plague: Crony Capitalism and DC’s Elites”

Panel And Topics:

  • Moderator: Stephen K. Bannon, Executive Chairman of Breitbart News Network
  • Dan Goure, Lexington Institute – The Gutting of the American Military
  • Rosemary Jenks, Numbers USA – Alternatives to “Comprehensive Immigration Reform”
  • Nina Shea, Hudson Institute – The Global Persecution of Christians
  • Frank Gaffney, Center for Security Policy – The De-Nuclearization of America in the Face of Her Enemies
  • Robert Spencer, Jihad Watch – Why I Am Not a Conservative
  • Pam Geller, author Freedom or Submission – The War On Free Speech
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