Todd Bensman: The Biden administration is fomenting an immigration crisis

With Todd Bensman

TODD BENSMAN, Senior National Security Fellow, Center for Immigration Studies, former Department of Homeland Security official, Author,  “America’s Covert Border War: The Untold Story of the Nation’s Battle to Prevent Jihadist Infiltration,” @BensmanTodd

Part 1: 

  • Todd Bensman: For every one illegal alien who is caught trying to enter the US illegally through the southern border, 3-7 migrants get through undetected
  • Polling shows that a majority of Americans want illegal immigrations at the US southern border to decline, not increase

Part 2: 

  • Proof of concept is becoming increasingly clearer in Europe as terror attacks committed by migrants become a reality
  • Bensman: There’s an ideology within Islam that seeks to dominate the world and establish a caliphate
  • The Fence Act of 2006 was meant to build a wall at the US southern border to prevent terrorists from entering the US

Part 3: 

  • Traditionally, the US intelligence community has tagged immigrants coming from over 30 countries as Special Interest Aliens
  • ICE and other Department of Homeland Security agents are embedded in many Latin America countries hunting down smugglers

Part 4: 

  • Security officials in Panama deported over 40 alleged Jihadists, Mexico deported 19
  • Bensman argues that people on the Democratic left deny that terrorists are entering the US through the southern border
  • Example: In 2017, a Somali immigrant crossed the US border, was detained and then released, after which he crossed into Canada, later ramming a truck into police officers

Secure Freedom Radio

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