Two thumbs down for Insulza and the OAS

The 37th Regular Session of the General Assembly of the Organization of American States (OAS) was held in Panama from June 3-5, 2007. The event focused on "Energy for Sustainable Development." In light of recent events that have and are occurring in Venezuela against freedom of expression, this event presented the perfect opportunity to discuss the shutting down of the Venezuelan TV channel, RCTV. An analysis of the surprising and worrisome decision of the OAS not to address and denounce what happened with the TV channel.


  • Brazil to propound RCTV issue in Mercosur parliament. According to Paraguay, RCTV not an item in Mercosur agenda. Brazil – Venezuela dispute marks Mercosur summit without Chávez.
  • Work to resume in Brazil nuclear reactor.
  • Chavez’s weapons shopping spree in Iran, Russia and Belarus. Exxon, ConocoPhillips say NO to Chavez. Venezuela’s Chavez seen wanting office "for life."
  • Colombian Navy Captures top FARC member.
  • Bolivian Government takes over two oil refineries. Morales to visit Iran, Russia seeking investment in Bolivian gas.
  • Nicaragua : Ortega balances Venezuelan aid, IMF (commentary). Ortega hits approval low in Nicaragua.
  • Brazil ‘s Lula popularity still high.
  • Argentina : Kirchner’s black month.

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Center for Security Policy

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