To our readers:

Due to the dire situation inside Venezuela, the staff at the Americas Report will publish daily news briefs between now and December 2, 2007 when the Chavez “reforms” are due to voted on by the electorate. In addition to keeping our readers informed of the latest news coming out of Venezuela, we also want to salute the courage of the students and all those in opposition to this latest attempt by Mr. Chavez to turn Venezuela into a totalitarian state. We welcome your comments and any information you believe is relevant to the situation. We may be contacted at: [email protected].

A Nuestros Lectores:

Debido a la terrible situacin que se esta viviendo actualmente en Venezuela, el equipo del “Americas Report” publicar noticias todos los das desde hoy hasta el 2 de Diciembre del 2007, fecha en la que el pueblo votara si acepta o no las “Reformas Constitucionales” de Chavez. Adems de mantenerlos informados sobre los ltimos acontecimientos en Venezuela, queremos felicitar a los estudiantes de ese pas y opositores el rgimen, por la valenta demostrada en su lucha por tratar de impedir que el Sr. Chavez convierta a Venezuela en un pas totalitario. Con gusto recibiremos y leeremos sus comentarios y cualquier informacin relevante con respecto a esta situacin. Nos podrn contactar al: [email protected].

“Venezuela News Brief: Countdown to Tyranny I”

On Friday November 3, the Venezuelan Congress voted to approve a constitutional reform that would allow President Hugo Chavez to be re-elected indefinitely. This setting will help consolidate Chavez absolutist rule, which will eventually end in a totalitarian XXI century socialism. Opposition forces and students in Venezuela organized protests against the project that is scheduled to be ratified by popular vote on December 2…learn more opening the attachment.

“Venezuela al da: cuenta regresiva hacia la tirana I”

El viernes 3 de diciembre, el Congreso Venezolano aprob una reforma constitucional que permitir al Presidente Hugo Chvez ser reelecto indefinidamente. Este escenario ayudara al Presidente Chvez a consolidar su poder absoluto que en definitiva terminara convirtiendo a Venezuela en un pas totalitario logrando finalmente lo que Chvez llama el “socialismo del siglo XXI.” Las fuerzas opositoras y miles de estudiantes organizaron protestas en contra de este proyecto que est programado a ser ratificado por voto popular el 2 de Diciembre…sepa mas abriendo el attachment.

Main News:

  • Ibero-American summit ends in Chile.

  • Ibero – American summit: Spain’s king tells Chvez, Why don’t you shut up?’ (Video available). Chilean FM takes sides with Spain in impasse with Chvez. Chavez threatens Spanish firms in Venezuela. Despite booming oil prices, Venezuela with the highest country risk in the region. Chvez’s landings in Bolivia spark protest. Chvez on “rush” tour on Saudi Arabia, Iran, France, Portugal. Congress asks Venezuelan govn’t to declare IAPA persona non grata. Venezuela Keeps Official Exchange Rate Despite Flourishing Currency Black Market Trade. Petrobras leaves gas project in Venezuela. Fedecmaras: Govn’t is sponsoring rejection against constitutional reform. University students spread over freeway against changes to the Constitution. Chavez to Meet with Colombian ELN.

  • “People Summit” Concludes in Santiago de Chile.

  • Bolivia : Morales has delivered USD 80 million in Venezuelan checks. Strike over back wages halts Bolivia ‘ s busiest airport.

  • Uribe-Chvez ties unlikely to harm Colombia-US relations. Colombian President would like FARC chief to meet with justice.

  • Chile : Bachelet refuses Chvez offer to back “Transantiago”. Strong earthquake shakes Chile.  

  • Brazilian Congress postpones voting on Venezuela’s admission to Mercosur.

  • Peru & China to Negotiate Free Trade Agreement. Venezuela’s Investment in Peru’s Oil Resisted by Critics.

  • Argentina: Cristina Kirchner names Cabinet. Argentina : Iran seeks arrests of Argentines (AMIA). South Bank to Open in Argentina.

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For any questions, comments, or those interested in receiving this report in the future or seeking to have their email removed from our list please contact Nicole M. Ferrand at our new e-mail address: [email protected] or to [email protected]. If you have news stories that you think might be useful for future editions of this report please send them, with a link to the original website, to the same e-mail address. If you wish to contribute with an article, please send it to the same address, with your name and place of work or study.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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