VIDEO: Threat Briefing by ‘Committee on the Present Danger: China’ Marks 30th Anniversary of Tiananmen Massacre

For Immediate Release
June 3, 2019
Hamilton Strategies, [email protected], Patrick Benner, 610.584.1096, ext. 104, or Deborah Hamilton, ext. 102
Threat Briefing by ‘Committee on the Present Danger: China’ Marks 30thAnniversary of Tiananmen Massacre
Freedom-Fighters, including Chen Guangcheng and Steve Bannon, Describe Chinese Communist Party’s Agenda and Needed Responses
Part 1 of 2:
Part 2 of 2:
WASHINGTON — On the eve of the thirtieth anniversary of the People’s Liberation Army’s murderous crushing of pro-democracy demonstrations in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square, the newly launched “Committee on the Present Danger: China”(CPDC) convened the fifth in its series of Threat Briefings. The aspiration of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) ruthlessly to dominate its own people – so evident in the 1989 slaughter of more than 10,000 protesters – and increasingly its determination to do the same to other nations’ populations, as well, informed each of the twelve presentations and their recommendations for U.S. policymakers.
The program featured remarks by four inspiring Chinese expatriates: Chen Guangcheng, one of China’s most prominent dissidents and former political prisoners, who described the lingering legacy of the Tiananmen massacre; CPDC member Dr. Sasha Gong, a woman once imprisoned by the PRC for her anti-communist views, who described how she and several of her colleagues, including Robert Lee, a former Voice of America producer, were fired for opposing the CCP’s efforts to dictate the content of VOA broadcasts – a topic Mr. Lee described in alarming detail; and Lianchao Han a former student activist in China, leading opponent of the Chinese regime in exile and a member of the Committee on the Present Danger, who addressed the CCP regime’s resilience and civil resistence to it post-Tianamen.
Other contributors to the program included:
- Steve Bannon, President Trump’s former strategic advisor, who described how countering the Chinese Communist Party, its enslavement of the people of China and its existential threat to the rest of us is the “moral imperative of our time”;
- Brian Kennedy, the CPDC’s Chairman and President of American Strategy Group, who put the Tiananmen massacre into the context of the sweep of the CCP’s staggering history of brutalizing and killing its countrymen and women;
- Marion Smith, Executive Director of the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, who broadened the lens further by illuminating the toll taken worldwide since 1917 by adherents to the communist ideology;
- Bradley Thayer, Professor at the University of Texas at San Antonio and author of How China Sees the World: Han-Centrism and the Balance of Power in International Politics, who focused on Xi Jinping’s role in the advance of Communist fundamentalism;
- Reggie Littlejohn, founder and President of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers, who laid bare the horror of the CCP’s “womb police” – the horrific infrastructure the party operates to enforce its population control diktats;
- Akol Nyok Alok Dok, a South Sudanese international business consultant, who warned of and urged the United States to prevent China’s neocolonial Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), lest the CCP succeed in entrapping and enslaving Africa’s nations through BRI-associated debt and corruption;
- Andrew Whitney, an investor in strategic technologies, who explained what is at stake in the U.S. competition with China for leadership in the 5G wireless domain and all that it will make possible – and how the United States can win this surpassingly important race; and
- Roger Robinson, former Senior Director for International Economic Affairs on the Reagan National Security Council and Chairman of the Prague Security Studies Institute, who identified a number of Chinese surveillance, telecommunications and other military-related companies whose malevolent activities are currently being underwritten by unsuspecting – or indifferent – U.S. and other Western investors.
The program was moderated by Frank Gaffney, the CPDC’s Vice Chairman and Executive Chairman of the Center for Security Policy.
Today’s Threat Briefing was live streamed on Facebook and videos of each of the interventions will be posted along with those from the Committee’s four previous programs at
The CPDC’s mission statement:
The mission of the “Committee on the Present Danger: China” is to help defend America through public education and advocacy against the full array of conventional and non-conventional dangers posed by the People’s Republic of China. As with the Soviet Union in the past, Communist China represents an existential and ideological threat to the United States and to the idea of freedom—one that requires a new American consensus regarding the policies and priorities required to defeat this threat. And for this purpose, it is necessary to bring to bear the collective skills, expertise and energies of a diverse group of experts on China, national security practitioners, human rights and religious freedom activists and others who have joined forces under the umbrella of the “Committee on Present Danger: China.”
Founding members of the “Committee on the Present Danger: China”—a number of whom were present at the Threat Briefing—include: R. James Woolsey; Kyle Bass; Dr. William Bennett; Mark Helprin; Pastor Bob Fu; Kevin Freeman; Dr. Peter Pry; LTG William Boykin; Hon. Ed Timperlake; Dr. Mark Schneider; Richard Fisher; Amb. Hank Cooper; Dr. Michael Waller; Capt. James Fanell, USN (Ret.); Dr. Dan Blumenthal; Dr. Stephen Mosher; and Col./Dr. Lawrence Sellin, USA (Ret.) A new CPDC White Paper by Dr. Sellin entitled, China: The Post-Afghanistan U.S. Adversary in South Asia was released at the Threat Briefing and is available on the Committee’s website,
To interview a ‘Committee on the Present Danger: China’ representative, contact [email protected], Patrick Benner, 610.584.1096, ext. 104, or Deborah Hamilton, ext. 102.
Watch the speeches from the event below:
Steve Bannon:
Roger Robinson:
Robert Lee:
Andrew Whitney:
Akol Nyok Akol Dok:
Reggie Littlejohn:
Lianchao Han:
Dr. Bradley Thayer:
Chen Guangcheng:
Marion Smith:
Frank Gaffney:
Brian Kennedy:
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