With Jim Hanson, Diana West and Faith McDonnell

JIM HANSON, Executive Vice President of the Center for Security Policy:

  • Facebook internal turmoil over Trump’s “Muslim-ban”
  • How the left uses shame and peer pressure to limit speech


  • Peaceful deterrence
  • What did Obama know about Hillary’s E-mails and when?
  • Cyberattack on Twitter, Netflix, and other large U.S. websites this week
  • Effort to take back re-enlistment bonuses

DIANA WEST, author of Death of the Grown Up and American Betrayal:

  • Hate speech bans
  • Germany’s migrant rape crisis cover-ups

FAITH MCDONNELL, Director of Religious Liberty Programs at the Institute on Religion and Democracy:

  • Chemical weapons attacks and genocide in South Sudan
  • White House demonstration about Sudan’s use of chemical weapons in Darfur on Friday
  • Persecution of Christians in Germany
Secure Freedom Radio

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