Who is Responsible for the death of al-Adnani?

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With Bill Gertz, Clare Lopez and Kurt Schlichter

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With Bill Gertz, Clare Lopez and Kurt Schlichter

BILL GERTZ, Senior Editor of The Washington Free Beacon:
• U.S backed Kurdish and Arab forces are making great strides against ISIS
• The future of the Islamic State as a terrorist organization
• Two things should do to take down ISIS

CLARE LOPEZ, Vice President for Research & Analysis at the Center for Security Policy, former CIA clandestine officer:
• Who is responsible for the death of ISIS spokesman al-Adnani?
• Turkey, Russia and Kurds complicate U.S. fight against ISIS

KURT SCHLICHTER, Senior Columnist for townhall.com and author of “Conservative Insurgency”:
• Is ISIS really losing ground?
• The moral and strategic deficiency within the military in the fight against ISIS

• Media praise for Colin Kaepernick not standing for the pledge of allegiance

Secure Freedom Radio

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