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The dream of a unified Europe is turning into a nightmare for citizens of countries whose sovereignty has been surrendered to unaccountable bureaucrats in Brussels and to leaders like Germany’s Angela Merkel who have exercised outsized influence on the European Union’s policies.

Faced with cascading economic, sociological and security calamities brought on by the arrival of many thousands of mostly Muslim migrants, publics in nation after nation are beginning to push back.

Particularly in “New Europe,” anger at Merkel’s open invitation to Syrian and other “refugees” is producing border closures, dislocations and political upheavals. In Poland, for example, a conservative party just received an electoral mandate to reject EU-dictated quotas for migrants and to reassert national sovereignty.

America should learn from, encourage and emulate those seeking to preserve Western civilization from the invasion now underway in Europe.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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