With “friends” like Biden, Israel needs no enemies


On the eve of Biden’s self-invited visit to the Jewish State, our Center for Security Policy Senior Fellow Caroline Glick has issued a searing video indictment that exposes his fraudulent professions of support for Israel’s right to self-defense and his administration’s serial betrayals of our vital interests in the region.

For example, before Biden’s arrival, his Secretary of State, Tony Blinken, held seven hours of struggle-sessions with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s War Cabinet. Its express purpose was to compel the Israelis to allow the resupply of Hamas under the cover of “humanitarian assistance.” If they don’t, they’ll be denied urgently needed U.S. bunker-busting weapons essential to the destruction of the terrorists’ buried targets in Gaza while minimizing civilian casualties. 

We must truly stand with Israel and against those standing with her enemies.

This is Frank Gaffney.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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