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Ahmed Mohamed got a photo-op with his genocidal rock star, Omar al Bashir yesterday.  Bashir is known for threatening to crush black Africans like “insects” in South Sudan if they don’t submit to Islam, genocide in Darfur and the Nuba Mountains, crimes against humanity, and as a leading state sponsor of terror rivaled only by his most important ally, Iran.

Sudan’s main industries are copying Chinese and Iranian weapons to fuel conflicts in places like C.A.R., the Sinai Peninsula, and Nigeria as well as training thousands of terrorists every year.  Basically, Al Qaeda and Hezbollah had a baby together and his name is Omar Bashir.  If Clock Boy didn’t know how to make a bomb, a couple days with uncle Omar will make him an expert.


For those who don’t understand how Sudanese politics function, watch Seth Rogen and James Franco in The Interview.  Clock Boy’s father is a prop.  There is no real democracy in Sudan and he is not Bashir’s political opponent. Because he makes such appearances for western dupes, he gets to live in a free country in the West where he attempts to give political legitimacy to the Hitler of our generation, Omar Bashir.

“We say that it has turned into a disease, a disease for us and for the South Sudanese citizens. The main goal should be liberation from these insects and to get rid of them once and for all, God willing.” – Omar Bashir 2012

Clock Boy is getting a lot of press.  Bashir should get as much and more for the death and suffering he commands in Blue Nile, Nuba Mountains, Darfour, and the Central African Republic.  Count the Clock Boy stories that miss the fact that the U.S. has refused to meaningfully challenge Sudan on any of these issue and has instead hosted their top diplomats and eased sanctions to help them crush political dissent.

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