Venezuelan Crisis Requires Immediate Action
Venezuela is facing a major crisis. As in the Arab Spring, Venezuelans have lost fear of a government that is...
Venezuela is facing a major crisis. As in the Arab Spring, Venezuelans have lost fear of a government that is...
By Christopher W. Holton Vice President for Outreach Center for Security Policy Thanks to the tenacity and persistence of two...
The new president of South Korea received a nasty welcome Sunday from his North Korean counterpart. Kim Jong Un’s...
Although the news media is certain to play up a new Senate Intelligence Committee subpoena of Michael Flynn for documents...
Yesterday, President Trump took a long-overdue step aimed at answering a nagging question: Has there been interference with the democratic...
With Fred Fleitz, Daniel Horowitz, Andrew Arthur, Michel Gurfinkiel and Itamar Marcus FRED FLEITZ, former CIA analyst, Senior Vice President...
The situation on the Korean peninsula feels, as Yogi Bera famously quipped, like déjà vu all over again. For its...
***NEWS RELEASE*** FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 11, 2017 For More Information Contact: Tommy Waller | [email protected] Texas Legislators Lead the...
With Joe diGenova, Faith McDonnell, Diana West, Riki Ellison JOE dIGENOVA, Former U.S. Attorney, District of Colombia, Former Chief Counsel...
As someone who held high-level security clearances for 25 years -- including 19 years with the CIA -- I'm very...
President Trump did the right thing yesterday in firing FBI Director James Comey, if only for reasons that have yet...
With Andy McCarthy, Shae Armstrong, Douglas Murray and Kevin Freeman ANDY MCCARTHY, Contributing Editor of National Review, Former Assistant U.S....
This weekend’s French election brought to power Emmanuel Macron, a self-professed “globalist.” He exemplifies the ominous phenomenon of “transnationalism” in...
With Gordon Chang, Peter Huessy, Michael Waller and Michael Cutler GORDON CHANG, columnist, World Affairs Journal Blogger: Jared Kushner’s...
Increasingly, America’s airlines are being sued by Muslim plaintiffs who claim they have faced discrimination because of their faith and/or...
With Nonie Darwish, Rowan Scarborough, Russ Dallen and Bill Gertz NONIE DARWISH, Founder of Arabs for Israel, Senior Fellow at...