But there was no “insurrection”
The kangaroo court known as the House January 6 Committee has finally brought its serial miscarriages of justice to an...
The kangaroo court known as the House January 6 Committee has finally brought its serial miscarriages of justice to an...
Do you remember American actor and singer Jussie Smollett? In January 2019, Smollett became known worldwide as the victim of...
The evidence that Joe Biden is, as retired U.S. spy “Sam” Faddis contends, a “controlled asset” of Chinese intelligence continues...
With Gordon Chang and Cheryl Chumley GORDON CHANG, Contributor, Gatestone Institute, Newsweek, Author, “The Coming Collapse of China,” “Nuclear Showdown:...
The movement by state governors and legislators from South Dakota to New York to ban the TikTok app from state...
The Iranian protesters who have gained the support of the entire world have pointed out more than once that the...
In the now classic 1967 film The Graduate, protagonist Benjamin Braddock, being feted with a graduation party, is pulled aside by a...
According to retired U.S. spy and lifelong patriot, “Sam” Faddis, Joe Biden is a “controlled asset” of Chinese intelligence. According to...
With Kevin Freeman, Rev. William Cook and Peter Huessy KEVIN FREEMAN, Host, Economic War Room, Senior Fellow, Center for Security Policy, Author,...
California Governor Gavin Newsom is a man consumed by ambition. He wants to become president and impose nationwide the radical...
With Trevor Loudon, Greg Tweddell and Bradley Thayer TREVOR LOUDON, Creator/Author, The Enemies Within (Documentary and Book) and Enemies Within the Church @TrevorLoudon1...
An Iraqi court judgment imprisoning a young man for criticizing a governmental entity sparked anger and rejection in the southern...
A just and rich irony of the COVID-19 pandemic would be that the virus — which the Chinese government allowed...
There’s been a lot of loose talk lately, mostly from Team Biden, about the “death of democracy.” Generally, they are...
With Michael Rectenwald, Dr. Gloria Puldu and Matt Williams MICHAEL RECTENWALD, Author, “Thought Criminal,” “Google Archipelago: The Digital Gulag and...
Basketball star Brittney Griner is back in the USA, her freedom from a Russian jail bought with the release of...