The U.S. Military is Hurting, and Administration Policies Are Only Making Things Worse

With Clare Lopez, Jim Hanson, Sen. James Inhofe, Barry Rubin.

Former CIA officer CLARE LOPEZ of the Center for Security Policy maps the threat matrix between Al Qaeda and Iran, and details the Gramscian strategy of the Muslim Brotherhood in connection to the Islamic Society of Boston Mosque.

Military blogger and former Army Special Operator JIM HANSON cuts through the politics of the drone debate on civil liberties.

US Senator from Oklahoma Senator JAMES “JIM” INHOFE reviews presidential priorities in national security from counter terrorism assets like Gitmo to strategic losses in the defense infrastructure from pre-sequestration budget cuts, job killing program delays, and blunders in nuclear posture.

Professor BARRY RUBIN, director of the Global Research in International Affairs center in Herzliya, breaks down the dynamic in the Middle East between Turkish Prime Minister Erdoğan and President Obama, as well as identifies the main supporters of the would-be Islamist regime in Syria.

Secure Freedom Radio

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