With Congressman Louie Gohmert, Gal Luft, Douglas Murray, Gordon Chang

Congressman LOUIE GOHMERT of the 1ST District of Texas touches on a variety of topics including immigration reform, McCain’s recent visit to Syria and his meeting with Syrian rebels, and the Department of Justice scandal.

GAL LUFT of the Institute for the Analysis of Global Security explains how the United States can become far less energy-dependent on OPEC if manufacturers start making more flexible-fuel vehicles, and if consumers are wiling to spend an additional $200 or so when purchasing a car.

DOUGLAS MURRAY, Associate Director of the UK-based Henry Jackson Society, describes in further depth the terrorist attack that occurred in London last week and describes some of the reactions the attack provoked in the Islamic community. He also discusses how the terror attacks, though violent and horrifying to outsiders, were not irrational in nature, but rather he points towards the terrorist’s ideology  and describes why these terrorists felt they were justified in their actions.

GORDON CHANG of Forbes.com, looks at the recent security breach by the Chinese into some of America’s most guarded technological trade secrets including some of the plans for missile defense, as well as looks at the growing problems in China, including the current hoarding of gold by both the Chinese government and the people of China in fear of what’s to come.

Secure Freedom Radio

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