President Obama Accidentally Tells the Truth About His Iran Deal

In a remarkable interview with NPR yesterday about the nuclear agreement with Iran, President Obama made this unexpected statement about the consequences of an agreement:

“What is a more relevant I fear would be that in Year 13, 14, 15, they have advanced centrifuges that enrich uranium fairly rapidly, and at that point, the breakout times would have shrunk almost down to zero.”

This was a stunning revelation after the series of exaggerated and misleading statements by Obama officials promoting their nuclear diplomacy with Iran.  The president accidently told the truth to NPR and confirmed what many of us have been saying about Obama’s nuclear diplomacy with Iran.  Because the nuclear agreement being sought by the Obama administration will allow Iran to continue to enrich uranium and develop much more efficient centrifuge machines, I believe it is very likely that the time to an Iranian bomb could shrink to “almost zero” as the president said.

No surprisingly, the president’s minions went into overdrive to explain away his accidental truth telling about an Ira nuclear deal.  State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf said:

“I think his words were a little mixed up there, but what he was referring to was a scenario in which there was no deal.”

Not true.  Watch the NPR interview.  The president was NOT talking about a scenario with no nuclear deal.  President Obama’s statement to NPR revealed the truth about his nuclear diplomacy with Iran: it will not and is not intended to stop Iran from getting a nuclear bomb.

Fred Fleitz

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