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With Daniel Horowitz, Jan Mickelson, Amb. Francis Rooney, Bill Gertz

DANIEL HOROWITZ, Senior Editor of the Conservative Review:

  • Why the Corker/Cardin Bill has ensured the Iran Deal will succeed
  • How AIPAC betrayed its mission and sabotaged Republican efforts to make any Iran deal conditional on recognizing Israel’s right to exist

JAN MICKELSON, Host of “Mickelson in the Morning” on WHONews in Des Moines, Iowa:

  • Using Iowa as a case study of illegal immigration’s national security implications
  • The status quo continues as the State Department accepts unvetted Somali and Syrian refugees into the U.S.
  • Refusal to let “getting offended” trump 1st Amendment rights
  • What the Corker/Cardin Bill does to the Senate’s treaty-making authority

Amb. FRANCIS ROONEY, Former U.S. Ambassador to the Holy See:

  • The need for an open and honest debate on the religious roots of Islamic terrorism
  • Why interfaith dialogue must be accompanied by principled convictions, or it risks being simply appeasement
  • How religious leaders can stand up against radical Islam, like Pope John Paul II did against Communism

BILL GERTZ, Senior Editor at the Washington Free Beacon:

  • Why the appointment of General Joseph Dunford as next Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is upsetting pro-China advocates in the Administration
  • Did the Secretary of Defense really threaten a presidential veto if more money is appropriated to defense?
  • North Korea’s submarine-launch ballistic missile capabilities
  • What country are Al Qaeda fighters fleeing the Yemen conflict moving into?
Secure Freedom Radio

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