A Fateful Partnership: China and North Korea

With Dan Gallington, Claudia Rosett, Ace Lyons, and Fred Fleitz:

With Dan Gallington, Claudia Rosett, Ace Lyons, and Fred Fleitz:

ADM. JAMES “ACE” LYONS (Ret.), Former Commander in Chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, the largest single military command in the world:

  • Seriousness of the North Korean threat
  • Importance of reversing the Obama era demilitarization of U.S. forces
  • Bolstering Japanese missile defense

DAN GALLINGTON, Senior Policy and Program Advisor, George C. Marshall Institute

  • Possible actions Donald Trump should take to deter North Korea
  • Publicizing hard limits placed on Kim Jong-Un’s regime
  • Disrupting Russia and China’s defense of Pyongyang

FRED FLEITZ, former CIA analyst, Senior Vice President for Policy and Programs at the Center for Security Policy:

  • Is a conflict with North Korea inevitable?
  • The Trump Administration’s efforts to curtail North Korea and China
  • President Trump’s visit to Poland
  • Unethical investigation practices by the Intelligence Community

CLAUDIA ROSETT, Foreign Affairs journalist at Forbes.com, Fellow at the Independent Women’s Forum:

  • The rationale behind North Korea’s strategy
  • What policy options are available for the United States?
  • China’s role in dealing with Pyongyang
Secure Freedom Radio

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