With Diana West, Benjamin Weingarten, Christine Douglass-Williams and Michael Daugherty

DIANA WEST, Nationally Syndicated Columnist, Blogs at Dianawest.net, Author of Death of the Grown Up and American Betrayal:

  • Trump’s priorities; American first or Afghanistan first?
  • McMaster’s plan again counters Trump’s campaign promises
  • Why we have a blindness for Sharia supremacism

BENJAMIN WEINGARTEN, Founder and CEO of ChangeUp Media LLC, 2015 Publius Fellow at the Claremont Institute:

  • Trump’s Afghanistan Strategy
  • Benefits of leveraging India against Pakistan
  • What would ‘winning’ in Afghanistan look like?
  • Defining the Red-Green axis

CHRISTINE DOUGLASS-WILLIAMS, Nine-Time International Award-Winning Journalist and Television Producer, Federally Appointed Director with the Canadian Race Relations Foundation, Author of The Challenge of Modernizing Islam:

  • Sharia blasphemy restrictions in Canada
  • Canada’s M-103; Anti-Islamophobia Motion
  • Marco Rubio and Diana Feinstein’s similar anti-hate speech motion

MICHAEL DAUGHERTY, CEO of Lab MD, Author of the Devil Inside the Beltway: The Shocking Expose of the US Government’s Surveillance and Overreach Into Cyber-security, Medicine and Small Business, Senior Writer for the Cyber Defense Magazine:

  • Details of the Pakistani House IT scandal
  • Why are Republicans and Democrats silent on this issue?
  • Consequences of exposure from stolen information
Secure Freedom Radio

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