Islamist Influence in Hollywood

New monograph reveals efforts to manipulate Hollywood films, and therefore popular culture, to undermine and ultimately dominate America


Islamist Influence in Hollywood

Exposed: The Civilization Jihad Against America’s Popular Culture

New Monograph from Center for Security Policy Reveals Efforts to Manipulate Hollywood Films, and Therefore Popular Culture, to Undermine and Ultimately Dominate America

The #MeToo movement has revealed the hypocrisy of prominent individuals in Hollywood who claim to support women’s rights, while at the same time serially violating them. Yet, an even more sinister hypocrisy in Hollywood still lies beneath the surface – under-reported, often unnoticed and sometimes blatantly denied. That is the alliance of Hollywood Lefists with Islamist organizations that present themselves as champions of multiculturalism and inclusion, but in reality oppose everything that the Left claims to hold dear.

This as-yet-unchallenged hypocrisy has, however, just been brilliantly exposed in a new monograph by Center for Security Policy Senior Fellow Deborah Weiss, Esq., an expert on the censorship and other influence operations of Sharia-supremacist organizations, here and abroad. Islamist Influence in Hollywood reveals such groups’ concerted efforts to manipulate Hollywood movies and independent films, and therefore the popular culture, in the service of their agenda of undermining America, and ultimately dominating it.

Of particular concern is the success such operations have had in whitewashing Islamic terrorism and the totalitarian political, military and legal doctrine that animates it: Sharia. To the extent they have effectively targeted the film-making industry in order to shape popular perceptions and control the public narrative on critical issues of the day, these initiatives are insidious and even subversive.

Though purely pietistic aspects of Sharia can be practiced within constitutional bounds, in its entirety, Sharia is antithetical to the U.S. Constitution and the liberties it guarantees. It treats women as second- class citizens, discriminates against non-Muslims, severely punishes homosexuality, and precludes both freedom of speech and freedom of religion. Those who whitewash such facts want to keep the American people from understanding their true mission of undermining liberty and human rights as practiced in this country.

As Ms. Weiss documents, Sharia-supremacists are insinuating themselves into script-writing, Hollywood “consulting,” film production, and even financial scholarships designed to facilitate young Muslims’ penetration of the entertainment industry. The public will be surprised to learn of the extent of Islamist influence in Hollywood, both in movies held out as simply entertainment as well as in so-called “documentaries.”

Islamic supremacist organizations, however, cannot succeed on their own. Ms. Weiss’s monograph documents Hollywood’s complicity and collaboration with Islamist organizations, in some cases capitulating to their demands out of fear, and in other cases championing their cause in the name of political correctness.

The election of President Trump has only exacerbated the situation. With the far-Left’s hatred of all things Trump, whatever objectivity the entertainment industry had has largely been lost. Emotions are running high and wittingly or not, many producers, script-writers, and actors are aligning with Islamic supremacists, simply for the sake of delegitimizing the President.

For example, Hollywood, as well as many in the mainstream media and political elite, overwhelmingly and falsely characterized Trump’s Executive Order imposing a temporary immigration pause as a “Muslim ban.” In fact, the order omitted the vast majority of predominantly Muslim countries and was premised on a list of “countries of concern” designated by President Obama as having a high risk of importing terrorism. The Executive Order, eventually determined to be constitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court, sought only to afford the new Administration a chance to develop an effective approach for screening out terrorists. Yet, many in Hollywood aligned with the Islamists among them in mischaracterizing this eminently sensible, modest and short-duration national security measure as religious discrimination motivated by anti-Muslim animus.

Michael Moore perfectly captured the extent of this alignment when he posted a photo of himself holding a sign saying “We are all Muslim.” Ironically, if the Sharia-supremacists such Hollywood celebrities enable are able to get their way, we all may wind up having to be Muslims or dhimmis the Islamists compel to submit and pay a degrading tax known as the jizya.

Upon the release of Islamist Influence in Hollywood, Frank Gaffney Jr. President of the Center for Security Policy observed:

Deborah Weiss’ well-researched and meticulously documented monograph reminds us of the importance of Hollywood and the film industry as an agent for social change. She reveals how Islamist organizations who believe neither in free speech nor equality for all use that core American freedom to censor information about Sharia and its supremacist agenda. The role of Hollywood’s influence in determining how society and its institutions – notably, academia, law enforcement and the faith community – perceive Sharia’s threat should not be overlooked or underestimated.

Ms. Weiss’ in-depth research connects the dots between Islamist organizations that would do us harm and the script-writers, producers and actors in Hollywood who have made them bedfellows. The Center for Security Policy is proud to present Deborah Weiss’ new monograph as an excellent addition to its Civilization Jihad Reader Series.

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