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With Rep. Blackburn, Nick Adams, Sasha Gong and Sandy Rios

REP. BLACKBURN, Serves as the U.S. Representative for Tennessee’s 7th Congressional District:

  • The importance of nominating constitutional judges to the bench
  • Is the Christian faith under attack?

NICK ADAMS, Founder of the Foundation for Liberty and American Greatness, Australian Political Commentator, Author of Green Card Warrior:

  • What makes a nation exceptional?
  • Dangers of the culture war being waged in the U.S.
  • The reality of the red-green axis

SASHA GONG, Former Chief of Voice of America’s Mandarin Service:

  • China’s infiltration into US institutions
  • Consequences of Xi Jinping’s extreme media censorship

SANDY RIOS, American Family Association Governmental Affairs Director, President of the conservative political action group Culture Campaign, a Fox News Channel contributor, and a talk radio host:

  • Details on the Trump-Kim summit
  • The horrific oppression of Christians in North Korea
  • The Trump administration’s North Korea policy

Secure Freedom Radio

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