Open Border Hypocrisy Can Get You Primaries

This is Frank Gaffney with the Secure Freedom Minute.

The Republican-controlled Senate is expected today to join the Democrat-controlled House in saying that there’s not a national emergency along our southern border. To be sure, some GOP senators will try to have it both ways, claiming they actually think there is a national emergency. But they oppose President Trump’s unilateral action to address it by constructing new physical barriers that Congress has repeatedly failed to approve.

Such political contortionism is all the more irresponsible in light of the certainty that the emergency is about to become even more acute. The catastrophe unfolding as a result of the collapse of Venezuela’s electric grid will predictably result in large numbers – possibly millions – of additional refugees.  Many inevitably will try to come here.

Senators who effectively vote for an open border will be held accountable.  Republican ones will likely be primaried.

This is Frank Gaffney.

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