With Matt Brodsky, Claudia Rosett and Greg Scarlatiou

MATT BRODSKY, Senior Fellow, Security Studies Group, Senior Analyst in Wikistrat’s Analytic Community, Former Director of Policy for the Jewish Policy Center for Security Policy:

  • Was Suleimani’s death warranted?
  • Evidence reveals Suleimani’s plans to wage large-scale attacks against the US


  • Dissecting the global aims of the Iranian leadership
  • An overview of the anti-Iran protests in Iraq and Lebanon
  • Tehran’s persistent pursuit of a nuclear weapons program

CLAUDIA ROSETT, Foreign Affairs columnist at Forbes.com, Blogs at “The Rosett Report” at PJ Media:

  • Why the decision to assassinate Suleimani was just
  • Are US vital interests being shaped by Suleimani’s demise?
  • How the active undermining of Trump emboldens our enemies

GREG SCARLATIOU, Executive Director, Committee for Human Rights in North Korea:

  • How Suleimani’s death is being perceived in Pyongyang
  • Kim Jong-un threatens US with “Christmas surprise”
  • The state of North Korea’s nuclear arsenal

Secure Freedom Radio

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