CSP Resilient Communities Network Toolkit

To further explore each of these topics, click on the hyperlinks and download the available PDFs to provide to your emergency managers.

For each topic, there are corresponding “levels” which explain the extent of preparedness that is recommended based on a given situation.

Level 1
Basic – Emergency Preparedness
Example – Flooding, Winter Storm or Civil Disturbance

Level 2
Intermediate – Major Disaster Preparedness
Example – Hurricane or Major Earthquake

Level 3
Advanced – Catastrophic Disaster
Example – CME G5+ or HEMP Attack

1. Safety and Security

  1. Law Enforcement and Security
  2. Fire and Rescue/EMS
  3. Emergency Management
  4. Continuity of Government
  5. All Public Facilities

2. Food, Water, Shelter

  1. Food
  2. Potable Water Supply
  3. Shelter and Housing

3. Health and Medical

  1. Medical Care
  2. Public Health

4. Energy

  1. Electrical System Hardening & Backup
  2. Fuel Supply

5. Communications